Jun 23, 2011

EggyBank: My first XNA Game

This is a simple game which i made using XNA Game Studio. My very first game. The main objective of the game is to catch as many eggs as you can. Eggs will be falling from the sky and the player has to catch it. Simple!!! There are 6 levels and scoring differs with each level and with each egg.

Some screenshots:

Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/nw45jmn7p62a6nd/EggyBank.rar

How to install:
1) Before you install the game, check whether you have Windows Imaging Component and Windows Installer 3.1 installed. Windows 7, by default, has them installed. If your an XP user, you must check these or else the game will not be installed.
Links: Windows Imaging Component, Windows Installer 3.1 redistributable

2) After checking the above requirement, extract the EggyBank.rar and double click the file setup.exe. The setup will download the components required to run the game from the internet and will install them.

3) If the setup doesn't download and install the components, or if you get any installation errors, you must have Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 redistributable and XNA Game Studio 4.0 redistributable installed on your machine. Download and install them.
Link: Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile (Standalone installer), Microsoft XNA framework Redistributable 4.0
After downloading and installing the above files, run setup.exe again and it will work for sure.

Have fun playing the game. :-)


  1. Stupid windows!!!!! Not allowing me to install windows emulator as it needed a newer version of graphics card!! :/
